Businesses are open to multiple types of liability. One of the most prevalent ones is premises liability. Property and business owners have a duty to keep their guests and workers safe from dangerous conditions. This includes the prevention of slips, trips and falls.

If a customer or employee falls due to the negligence of the property owner, he or she may file a premises liability lawsuit or workers’ compensation claim. This can have drastic legal and financial consequences. Here are some ways that your business can stop slips, trips and falls from occurring.

Keep walkways clean and clear

Keeping walking surfaces free of hazards is an effective way to reduce the chances of injury. Common hazards include:

  • Liquid spills
  • Torn carpeting
  • Boxes
  • Open drawers
  • Wires and cords

Be diligent in keeping areas free of spills and objects so people do not slip or trip.

Install and maintain proper lighting

Poor lighting can contribute to slips and trips. When customers and employees cannot see clearly, they are at a higher risk of sustaining an injury. Consider illuminating steps and using spotlights. Replace and repair lighting fixtures promptly.

Use signage

Sometimes, it is difficult to resolve every hazard right away. Your place of business may have freshly mopped floors, uneven ground or a sudden step. Implement clear signage or reflective tape to call attention to these areas. Increasing awareness is vital to preventing premises liability accidents.

Pay attention to stairways

It is common for people to fall on stairways. You can prevent these accidents by installing handrails, marking the bottom and top stairs with reflective tape and keeping stairwells well lit.

Use nonskid mats or rugs

Certain areas are more prone to becoming slippery, such as a bathroom, entrance or breakroom. Add nonslip mats or rugs in these areas to mitigate the risk of falls. Make sure you use nonskid pads underneath to prevent the mat from slipping out.